AID Consultancy
Working at height is often an essential part of work activity in a range of industries such as renewables, construction, telecommunications and offshore to name but a few.
Legislation and processes have evolved over time to help mitigate the risks of working at height, however, despite great efforts to tighten regulations and numerous awareness campaigns; falls from height remain one of the most common cause of workplace fatalities.
According to the UK HSE:
- In Britain alone, more than one million businesses and 10 million workers are estimated to carry out jobs involving some form of work at height every year.
- In the UK alone, more than 40 people are killed and 4,000 are seriously injured every year due to working at height.
- Since 2011, working at height remains in the top 5 ‘kind of accident’ category for offshore work.
- In the last 5 years HSE report 3 offshore fatalities, 1 of which is due to working at height.
Efforts to change and improve work at height are being made, however between new and updated product standards, the latest regulations and a wide range of guidance, there is a lot to keep up with across the work at height industry.
How can we help?
We have a network of highly experienced experts in working at height and can support you to ensure the following are implemented correctly, adhered to and communicated to your staff or subcontractors:
- Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidance/equivalent country guidance
- Industry trade bodies for example IRATA, SPRAT and the Norsk Standard NS9600 compliance
- International standard ISO 22846 Rope access systems part 1 & 2 compliance
We also have extensive experience;
- Advising and mentoring Technical Authority / Work at height / Rope Access Managers
- Developing and updating processes, procedures, policies and safe systems of work
- Introducing proactive initiatives for organisations including monthly themes, internal safety tours and active monitoring.
- Providing awareness sessions to Senior Management and leadership teams
- Reviewing risks, consequences and mitigations for operations and projects
- Advising and procurement of equipment, materials and services
- Internal auditing and Inspections
- Accident and Incident Investigations
- Ensuring compliance with industry trade bodies and standards such as GWO/IRATA and ISO 22846 audit requirements